Finding your Passion

Miguel Vergel de Dios
3 min readNov 4, 2020

Passion is what keeps us going, doing, and moving

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

3 years ago, I have lost interest and passion in everything. It was one of my darkest days that I had to experience because of something heavy and dreadful on my being.

It was a break-up.

A break-up so devastating that it erased any form of ecstasy and satisfaction inside me. From getting joy and happiness and cooking, It was gone. From receiving pleasure and ecstasy on computer games, gone also. Heck, I was even bedridden for almost 3 days, crying non-stop. Basically, it ripped my life apart completely and brought me to a dark place.

It was hard for me to get back up even months after it left a scar inside me. But I surprised myself. I tried to get back up, step by step; first going to meditation, then to self-love, then shifting my attention and effort from crying to acts of generosity and hands-on with activities. I still get relapses of memories but I take them as an opportunity to look back and learn from my mistakes and reflect for the future.

And then I did.

I re-started my life anew. I took one thing at a time. Learned new things on the way. Reflect. Then, eventually, I got back up and re-discovered myself and the things I love, again. How’s that for a comeback?

Now, I’m writing this to and for you. Yes, you, the one reading this. If ever you feel lost, confused, or on the brink of losing hope, remember these things to bring you back to your journey and career in life:

Take a step back every now and then

If you feel like you are being rushed, pressured, or stressed by someone or even an external force; remember, to take a step back.

Taking a step back won't immediately cause you to be unproductive and it’s more helpful to yourself compared to stepping on the pedal non-stop. You decide more efficiently, you see things from a different perspective, and you get to breathe, in the sense of letting out the pressure and burden on your shoulders and responsibilities.

When you step back, not only you have the advantage of having a fresh perspective, but you advance 2 steps forward in your path.

Meditate on a basis.

Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly; meditation is key to finding your passion.

Meditation will not only make you feel better overall but it will make you unlock your untapped potential: heightened senses, improved self-awareness, improved control over emotions, and better decisions.

Meditation will help you achieve a level of ecstasy that will take you into your subconscious and unlock abilities and “superpowers” to help you in finding what you really want in life.

Learn New things

Finding your passion will be a tough journey, but as cliche, as it may sound “It’s about the adventure, not the destination”.

Learning new things will let you discover your passion through new skills, knowledge, and interests. It will make you do your best outside of your comfort zone, making you more confident, competent, and valuable, as a person. But be careful not to learn everything as it will make your journey rougher and tougher, I experienced it personally, and trust me, you would not want to trek that path.

Not only it will make your journey smoother, but keeping your interests and learnings to a minimum will make you more efficient, focused, and invaluable.

As to someone who experienced this, years back, I hope this article will help you at the very least in finding your passion.

It will be a long and tough journey, no doubt, but just be more attentive to your happiness and needs, you’ll get to the destination in no time. Even myself, I’m still on the road looking for that one thing that will ignite me like never before.



Miguel Vergel de Dios

A newbie writer exploring the world of blogging and writing